Celebrate Amazon Prime Day with Good Buys All the Time


Increasingly, more and more people are doing their shopping online. Online shopping is easy, quick, and it saves time. While some people enjoy the thrill of the hunt in large, overcrowded stores—many do not. For those that do not enjoy the traditional shopping experience, online shopping provides a great alternative.

If you have done any online shopping, you have undoubtedly ended up at Amazon.com. Amazon is the online shopping destination. There is simply nothing you cannot find in their exhaustive inventory. Amazon makes it easy too….. Their customer service is EXCEPTIONAL and their site is easy to navigate. If you find yourself spending a lot of time on Amazon.com, you should consider getting a Prime membership. This is especially significant because July 15th 2015 is “Prime Day”. All across the website you will find countless deals and savings. Wouldn’t this be the BEST time to start your Christmas shopping ??


Prime membership gives you many bonuses: FREE two-day shipping, access to their extensive movie and TV catalog, music streaming, photo storage, and tons of free e-books. Of course, it is that FREE two-day shipping that really ends up paying for itself. Online shopping is great, but shipping is its one downfall because those fees really add up.  If you are not a PRIME member and would like to join and receive $5.00 off your 1st purchase, send your email address to me at  info@goodbuysallthetime.com & I will send you an invitation (Please Put PRIME in the subject line)

So how are you going to take advantage of your Amazon Prime membership on Prime day? I think I may have some ideas:


It’s getting pretty hot out there isn’t it? I’m a Redhead and have to be very careful, so when the sun is out I can not go without sunscreen.  The problem is, we are all well-educated on the danger of sun exposure. The chance for skin cancer is most common on the protruding areas of our face: our lips, noses, cheeks, and ears. These spots cannot be covered by clothing, so it’s important to apply sunscreen to protect them. Consider buying the Kiss My Face “Hot Spot” Sunscreen Stick or for the Kids Coppertone Kids Sunscreen Stick – SPF 55 . You can stick this in your purse or pocket so that it’s impossible to forget skin safety while you enjoy the rest of the summer.


Pamper yourself with this Seventh Generation Body Wash Gift Set . Seventh Generation is a beauty product company that cares it’s products and your skin. You don’t have to worry about harsh chemicals or dyes. That makes this body wash an easy choice,. Not to mention the amazing scents.


PrimeDay is the perfect time to purchase one of those items that has been on your “one day” list for a long time. How long have you thought about getting a home water filtration pitcher? If you’re like most people, the answer is ‘Forever’. Brita is the name brand filtration system. Buy their 6-8oz Pitcher so that you know you’re drinking the purest, cleanest water possible.

By drinking filtered water, you are reducing the amount of plastic bottles that end up in our landfills and oceans

One of the most useful, exiting things about Amazon is that you can find products that are not often in stores. Tang is one of these items. This beverage, once so popular, has a ton of nostalgic sentiment. Buy some Tang to enjoy with ice on a hot day and be transported back to a simpler time. It would also make a great gift for someone who drank this passionately when they were kids.


I hope I gave you some great ideas for your PrimeDay shopping extravaganza  Visit us at Good Buys All the Time where Customer Service is our #1 Priority